4 conseils pour choisir les banquettes idéale pour votre restaurant

At Keca International, we value customization, agility, and quality for hospitality projects. A question that most customers ask at restaurants is “Can we sit at a booth please?” Customers are in constant search for a restaurant that not only has delicious food, but also has comfortable booths of exceptional quality. This blog will be addressing 4 tips for selecting the right custom-made booth for your restaurant.

  1. Size of the restaurant

Maximize the spaces of your restaurant by using booths. If your restaurant is relatively small, it is preferable to have mural booths as they will reduce the collision of waitresses/waiters and will encourage flow. On the other hand, if your restaurant is big, it is best to have different types of booths that have head rolls and end caps to optimize the space you have.

  1. Standard dimensions

If you want your customers to be comfortable, it is important to consider the dimensions of the booth! The edge of the table should be parallel with the edge of the booth. This tip will help provide a comfortable depth.

Chez Keca International, nous sommes toujours à la pointe des tendances du design.  Notre équipe de designer veillera à ce que vos meubles soient adaptés à la couleur, au style ou aux nuances les mieux adaptés à votre espace.

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